Don't Miss being a part of the first Annual January Bible Conference!
The First Annual Jan. Bible Conference will begin this weekend!
The First session is Friday night at 7 pm. The Saturday night session is at 7 pm and the Sunday sessions are as follows. Sunday Morning Men's Meeting: 10 am. Regular Morning worship time: 11 am. Regular Evening worship time: 6 pm.
Our guest Bible pastor/teacher is Dr. Jerry File, pastor of the HighPointe Baptist Church of Raymond, MS. Jerry is a good friend of pastor Buster's and Miss Pat's, even participating as a minister in their wedding in 1975. Pastor Buster served with Dr. File in 1975 as an associate pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Columbus, MS, and again as an associate at HighPointe Baptist in 1999. It was while at HighPointe that God called pastor Buster to the Mississippi Crosswalk.
Dr. File is a wonderful pastor and scholarly teacher of God's Word. His extensive background and many years of service in the Kingdom of God, is sure to come forth in the ministry during the meetings this weekend.
Please make it a point to get your family ready and come to the Friday and Saturday night meetings as well as the regular Sunday services. Dr. File will be with us through Sunday night's service. Nursery will be provided.
Sunday Morning Business Meeting
Remember that Sunday morning is the date for our special business meeting that has been called for the past two weeks. We will entertain a motion from the deacon body about the management of our building debt and we will consider an amendment to our by laws regarding who can assume debt on behalf of the church.
The Last Sunday Building Fund Day and Lunch
The last Sunday of this month is dedicated to our building fund. We have 4 - fifth Sundays a year and we ask that the church body pray about and set aside a special, sacrificial offering for the building fund on those Sundays. This offering is above and beyond your commitment to the Challenge to Build campaign offering of two years ago and above your regular tithes.
We will have a different aspect to this particular 5th Sunday: A Lunch. The senior ladies are preparing a wonderful lunch/meal for the church to be enjoyed right after the morning service. You have to eat somewhere after church, you might as well stay and eat here with us! Then, make a generous donation to the building fund as your payment for the lunch. There will be NO price placed on the meal. (Some of us have some pretty large families, so please, pray about it and plan to make a generous donation for the meal.) All proceeds will go into the building fund.
A Word from Our Pastor:
I look forward to seeing you all at our Bible Conference this weekend. Please help spread the word to all of our friends and neighbors. We want to have a really big crowd at this event. This is the first "revival" type meeting that we've had for quite some time, so we want God's church to make the most of it. You will love Dr. File and I believe his wife, Helen, is going to be with him, too. They will be staying in our home with us.
Most of all, begin now to pray for God's hand to rest upon this meeting. Pray that God will empower the teacher, open our hearts and work miracles among us! I am praying for you and I look forward to seeing YOU there Friday night!
Pray also for several things that your pastor is writing for publication right now. One little "booklet" that I am finishing soon is a straightforward, no nonsense, Southern Baptist's presentation of the Filling of the Spirit. I often get asked, "How do I get Spirit filled like you talk about all the time, and what is that anyway?" So, this booklet will be another attempt on my part to not only answer that, but to explain it in such a way that anyone can understand and receive! Please pray for me as I finish this as it will be for publication and distribution to others besides our church.
For the Master,
Brother Buster
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