Thursday, February 02, 2006

Friday Feb. 3, 2006

This past Sunday was the first "5th" Sunday of 2006. Our "5th" Sundays are our "Victory Sundays" for reducing the new buildling debt. What a wonderful day it was!
God gave our people generous hearts! We raised a total of $8000 plus for the whole day! Nearly $1300 was given in donations just for the lunch! Thank you so much for hearing the voice of God and being obedient to what God has lead you to do.
Thank you's also go out to our Senior Ladies of the church for preparing and serving the noon meal. It was, as always, wonderful! I think it's the first time that I ever remember that we almost ran out of food!
All of the funds received this Sunday go into the building fund and will be used to retire the debt on our new buildings.
We will soon make a detailed presentation to the church of the Church Bonds Program that will be offered. This is an exciting opportunity for the members to not only retire the debt of our building ourselves, but we will also receive dividends on the money paid on the debt. I won't try to explain the program to you here, but be in prayer for it. It is so exciting! Other local churches have offered the same program and have had a wonderful experience with it.
Please pray for Julie Norris and her mother. While in Texas on business with her husband, she had to have emergency surgery. Julie flew out there to help take care of her in this time of need. Please pray for them and also for Tim and the kids as they wait for Julie to return.
Pastor Buster will present a special sermon series during Valentine's month, entitled, LOVE AMERICAN STYLE! This Sunday's message is, "The Super Bowl of Love!" Next week's message will be, "Desperate Housewives.....and Husbands!" Please help us spread the word about these special messages from God's Word. We pray that the titles and the theme will spark interest and curiosity in folks so that they will make the decision to come to church!
We are really excited about the "Great Shakeup" that will be happening THIS Wednesday night in our Awana ministry. For details, show up for this Sunday morning's services, or talk with the Awana Commander, Tracie Coker.
The First Monday men's meeting will take place this coming Monday night at 6:30 PM in the fellowship Hall. It will be a really fun time. This month, we will invite all of our men to bring their favorite guns! We are going to have a men's "Show and Tell" with their firearms. You can bring as many guns as you wish. Bring your favorite weapons. Be prepared to write a short amount of info (your name, the brand and caliber of the gun, etc) on a white index card. ALL GUNS MUST BE UNLOADED BEFORE BRINGING THEM INTO THE HALL!! We will have a great time! Wives, please encourage your men to come and take part. A meal will be provided (Pizza and the like).
This weekend is the Disciplenow weekend. This is a special weekend that is supported and participated in by most of our Baptist churches in the Association at the same time. All Baptists do a DNweekend, but not everyone in other associations do it at the same time that we do.
Angie Treadaway is doing a fantastic job with our youth! (If you're not sure about that, just go spend one month trying to help her in the ministry!!!) She and her ministry team are teaching the kids about Jesus, helping them work through some serious life issues, and leading many of them to faith in Jesus! PLEASE, pray for the kids and their leaders this weekend as they work to know the Lord more closely during DNow. They will be doing a lot of fun things, but you've got to remember that "fun" is the way to "hook" these kids and get them interested in hearing the other stuff that you've got to say about the Lord. So, pray that they'll have a good time and then learn alot about Jesus! Thanks to all of you who are opening your homes to help out.
I have a very special prayer request......
I am trying to put together a community-wide celebration of the return of our war heros. Please pray for us as we work this out and get the community involved. We hope to do this real soon.
Well, Neal Davis' pet scans are once again negative, even more negative than last time! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah, thank you Jesus for healing our friend!
There is a still a little mass that's visible, but the doctor says it's most likely just a little scar tissue. However, they cannot find any cancer at this time! Please continue to pray for him and Donna and ask God to make the healing a permanent affair!
Please get involved with your church this weekend. I know that you need the ministry of the church; but WE NEED YOU, too! YOU are so very important and special to each of the rest of us. Just as the foot cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you...." and the mouth cannot say to the eye, "I can get along without you...." we say that if YOU are missing, we hurt and it's hard to function without you. Please join us as we worship Jesus and love on each other this weekend at HIS HOUSE!
I love you and appreciate the opportunity to be your pastor!
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For the Master,
Brother Buster - John 3:30


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