We have a couple of really BIG things coming up in the month of March.
Save A Life
First of all, we have a special presentation THIS SUNDAY NIGHT from the folks in our church that are involved with the Save A Life ministry. Most people don't know that our very own Angie Treadaway is the brand new Director of the Pontotoc Save A Life office. It is a satelitte office of the New Albany ministry that has been growing strong for the last few years. Not only that, but several of our women have gone through the intensive training to become Save A Life counselors. I am really proud of our church members being the ones to head up and start strong this important ministry in our area. Save A Life is a vital and wonderful ministry that is helping young mothers or mothers to be with the issues of birth and abortion. Don't miss this Sunday Night's presentation to learn how you can help this ministry grow and become strong in our county. This is will during the 6 PM services this Sunday night.
Pastor's Trip
I will be gone from Sunday afternoon till next Friday morning. I am making my annual trek to Chattanooga, TN and the church conference that I have gone to for the last 4 years. It is a life changing experience for me and I simply don't know how I could make it through the year without the supernatural work God does in my life there each year. Please pray for me as I travel and pray that I will receive God's deepest work in my heart while there. Also lift Pat up to the Lord while I'm gone.
The BROTHERHOOD Breakfast is THIS SUNDAY morning at 7 AM. We will have Bruce McCoy of the "McCoy's Grocery Store" fame as our guest speaker. Pray for our men as we gather to become men of God by our study, prayer and fellowship this Sunday morning.
Bond Banquet
The MOST urgent event of March will be Sunday March, 12, at 12 Noon. It is our INVESTMENT SEMINAR/BOND BANQUET. This is the time that our church will have the greatest explanation of the Church Bonds program. We will have a representative of Rives Leavell here to teach us what it's all about. His name is Morris Earnest, and he will set up appointment times to meet privately with anyone who wishes to participate in the Bond program.
Bond FAQ's
Let me make a couple of statements about the Bond Issue:
1. The issue of the bonds will pay off the bank note we made for the construction of the new church.
2. The bonds will be made by OUR investments in them. You can buy bonds for as little as $250, so everyone can participate.
3. You do not have to have a lot of extra money lying around to invest. You CAN move your CD's, Savings accounts, IRA's, 401K's, retirement moneys, etc, into these bonds. WHY? Because you are most likely NOT getting the interest rates that you can get with the bonds. The LOWEST rate you can get with the bonds is 4.35% and the highest is 7.60%! Those rates are pretty hard to beat anywhere!!!
4. To buy the bonds does two great things for you: 1) It invests in the Kingdom of God by taking on the debt of the church rather than have a bank do it. 2) It give YOU a great investment tool for your savings, retirement, college funds, etc. It's a real WIN - WIN situation. YOU win and the CHURCH/KINGDOM OF GOD wins!
5. Once we sell all the bonds, we will still have a note to pay back each month. The note will be about $7800 a month. This note PAYS OFF THE BONDS which is actually paying YOU off. This is where your bond investment, your interest comes from: The note we pay the bonds off with each month.
6. The bonds need to be sold by us by Wednesday March 22. After that, Rives and Leavell will have to sell them at a charge of nearly $52,000! So, the more we can buy ourselves or sell to others, the cheaper it will cost the church family.
Please pray NOW about your involvment with the bond program and PRAY for the church as we tackle the issue of the bonds. IT's a great program and I'm really excited about it!
New Member's Class
Beginning THIS SUNDAY morning, we will start the New Member's Class called, "Membership 101". Membership 101 will meet during the Sunday School hour for the next 4 Sundays. This class is required for all new members and is also suggested for anyone who is interested in membership with the church. It is only 4 hours long, so it will be for 4 Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour. After the 4th class, you may rejoin your Sunday School class if you have already become a part of one. Please pray for this special aspect of our church growth as we are beginning something new and important for our membership!
Morning Sermon Series: Biblical Leadership
The Sermon Series for the month of March (morning services only) will be on Biblical Leadership. This Sunday morning we will begin to look at what the Word of God has to say about the ministry of the pastor and his relationship to the church body. Please be a part of this study with your Bible, pen and note pad ready to go!
Evening Sermon Series: Second Coming Issues
The Sunday night sermon series for the month of March will be centered around the issues of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Would it surprise you to know that your pastor believes, with all of his heart, that WE will see the coming of the Lord in OUR generation? Come on Sunday nights to learn WHY. (This series will begin the second Sunday night in March.)
I love you all very much! Please pray for your pastor, especially this week as I am trying to allow God to work in my life at this conference like never before. I always come back a changed man, and I hope and pray that this year is no exception. God bless you and thank you so much for being a part of the Friendship Family!
Your Pastor,
Buster Wilson
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