Thursday, May 25, 2006

Weekend Of May 27 & 28, 2006

New Sermon Series In Progress!
Pastor Buster has started a new sermon series that is designed to be a fantastic start to our summer Bible studies and to super build our relationship with God! The title of the series is, THE AWESOMENESS OF GOD! Last Sunday was sermon number one of the series, The Awesome Place! (Gen. 28:16, 17). I hope you had a chance to hear that message. If not, please order a copy of the CD because this Scripture lays out the vision and view of our pastor about just how fantastic and awesome our CHURCH IS!! This past Wednesday night we heard message two, "The Awesome Glory and Majesty of God". This Sunday will be message three, "Our Awesome God!"
Other messages in the series:
The Awesome NAME of God
The Awesome POWER of God
The Awesome DEEDS of God
The Awesome WONDERS of God.
Please pray for this special series that God will help us capture personally a real sense of His AWESOMENESS!
Special Lunch with the Youth This Sunday
The Youth ministry team will provide lunch for the Church this Sunday at noon. This is a donation lunch to raise funds for the Youth Ministry.
Our Youth Ministry gets some funds each year in the annual budget, but we are not able to give them nearly enough to do all that they need to accomplish their yearly program. Our Youth Ministry is AWESOME (pardon your pastor's attempt to OVER USE that word this month!) Angie Treadaway and her team are doing a fantastic job of reaching the youth of our area. We're not only providing a spiritual Haven for OUR church family kids, but the Youth Ministry is providing some of the very best Evangelism and Outreach of our church right now! We are reaching a lot of kids that don't go to church normally and thus have no church Home. We are fast becoming the church home to a lot of great kids in our community who need the love of God to be demonstrated to them in and thru US! So, thanks for your PRAYER SUPPORT and your FINANCIAL support of our Youth Ministry Team and their efforts to Rock the World of the youth culture of your community!
The Kids will be heading out to summer camp this next week, so please pray for them, AND THE ADULT WORKERS who will be going with them!
Remember, "Youth" begins with YOU.......
WOW! And the Super Summer Childrens' Team
WOW = Worship On Wednesdays. Our Summer program for Wednesday nights has started with a bang! Now that AWANA is in Summer break, we have a fantastic program for our children on Wednesday nights! They started their summer efforts this past Wednesday with a trip to the skating rink. We had a huge crowd of kids and they had a large time (no broken bones that we are aware of!)
Pastor would like to thank Ramona Hood and her Children's Ministry Team for all of the hard work planning the Summer and for the huge effort they will be making in the days ahead! Thanks so much for caring for our children!
Here's the Super Summer Schedule:
Next Wednesday: Movie Night for children of all ages at the church Worship Center
June 7: Special Guest Joshua Harris from Booneville, a Christian Magician
June 14: Community Helpers night with lots of special guests.
June 21: No Super Summer, Vacation Bible School is happening!
June 28: Swim Night!
July 5: No Super Summer, July 4th Holiday
July 12: No Super Summer, some kids are going to church camp at Grace Memorial Baptist
July 19: Go to Ecru Ball park to play baseball
July 26: Bowling in New Albany!
So, you can see they've got a great time for all the kids planned for the whole summer! Thanks again Children's Ministry Team for all the hard work!
Sunday Night This Holiday Weekend
We WILL have Sunday night services this holiday weekend. I know that several folks will be out of town, but many of us will not leave. So, please, if you are here this Sunday, DON'T TAKE A HOLIDAY AWAY FROM GOD!
Don't Forget the Website!
Hey, don't forget to check out the web site / blog page of our church. That address is:
Please help us get that address out to as many people as we can! It's the place of Friendship Church on the world wide web. We want people to know what's going on with our church! Help us spread that web address to as many people as possible! And YOU check it out regularly.
Pastor's Note:
I just want to say again how much I love you and appreciate all that you do for the Lord at Friendship Church. Thank you again for allowing me to pastor you. It is the Biblical responsibility for all of us to follow and respect the leadership of your church, and you have done that so well for almost the past five years now. I am grateful to call you my friends. God bless you as you try to walk with Jesus every day. Let's never forget that it's all about Jesus! It's ALL about HIM.
God Love you and bless you richly.
Pastor Buster


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