Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday at Central Baptist

Monday is the Easy day!

There are no sessions on Monday mornings or afternoons, I guess it's to allow out of town pastors to have time to make it in after ministering all day Sunday. I thank my God for a church that allows me to come on Sundays so that I can take part in some of the early worship and don't have to "rush" here.

Central has finally entered into the use of their new worship center called, "Abba's House". It is an absolutely marvelous facility! Unbelievable actually. It will seat at least 7000 people! It is absolutely the most modern in every aspect. The television and media equipment is top of the line, some of the most fantastic stuff much of which I've never seen before it's so new. The seats are the stadium type fold up seats fashioned in a huge semi circle around the stage. The orchestra pit is between the pulpit area of the stage and the "choir loft". The choir, Oh My goodness, is called the "Abba's House Army of the Lord"! There are about two hundred people in the "army".

The guys at the church would love to see how they designed the ceiling in the "House". It's open, there's no ceiling tile, you can see the air ducts, etc. It's all painted pitch black, there are all kinds of huge lighting systems, the kind that turn 360 degrees and turn all colors with various patterns. What I'm trying to say is that it's a room that is very condusive to WORSHIP!

One of the themes already of this week is that God is bringing a great revival to the land and He has given a "prophetic word" to many of these men that this "3rd Great Awakening" will come THIS YEAR! Oh, how I hope that they are right!

The most wonderful message tonight was from Pastor Ron at the very first. He preached from the Song of Solomon and from the material of his new book, "Secret of the Stairs".

One great statement, which I am going to give you one great statement from each day, was this:

I love you and look forward to what God has in store for tomorrow. Please pray for me that I will hear from God in a strong and personal way.
Brethern, pray for us. 1 Thess 5;25
Buster Wilson

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Pastor is In Chattanooga This Week!


Well, I made it to Chattanooga by 8:15 PM tonight! Too late to make it to the evening services! Man! That's why I come on Sunday night! But, I ran into a friend who needed a little counsel of an understanding "pastoral kind" and that held me up just a little Sunday afternoon. Then, add to that the fact that Chattanooga is in the Eastern time zone (one hour later than Ecru! which I DID remember.....), well, I just didn't make it in time. But, that's o.k. God knew about that before history began.

I can't tell you how excited I am to be here. I was afraid that I wouldn't get to take part in this year's conference. I have done so for the last 4 years. But God gave me the faith to move forward with plans to come. Then, the people of FBC acted in such a precious way!!! I had no conference expense money left in the church budget for this year, which I knew about and actually was responsible for that money being moved around in the church budget. Pat and I had planned for that fact and that's why I was moving on in faith. But before I could leave the parking lot this Sunday morning, 5 people had placed in my hands MORE than ENOUGH money to cover my trip for the week! Can you believe the Goodness of our God? That's why I am NOT afraid of the future and any expenses we have in this new building indebtedness. God can, and does, AND WILL work miracles on our behalf IF we will remain FAITHFUL, trusting ONLY HIM to meet all our needs (Read Phillipians 4:19).

The reason that this conference is so special to me is that Central Baptist Church is a SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH that TRULY knows what it means to be SPIRIT FILLED! I cannot convey in writting what God does here at this place, among these people, and He does it simply because they are willing to believe His Word and trust in Him to ACTUALLY work real, New Testament type miracles! And He does!

Here at CBC, I see pastors who are walking in the supernatural. I see church members who are doing more and in more power than most pastors I know. At Central, I find the power of God moving on lost people that are getting saved, saved, saved. "Being filled with the Spirit" is far more than just a phrase or a "thing"! It is a real experience that is as strong an experience for people as if they had walked into a wall! And it leaves as real a mark on their lives!!I always come away from this week with a million ideas; a renewed spirit; a real belief that God is real and loves me and wants to do some supernatural stuff in my life and in the life of my church! Who wouldn't love a week that does all of those kinds of things for them?

So, I will do my best to share with you as much of what I can of my experience with God this week through this blog site. I hope that you will check daily, encourage your friends and others to check daily, and pray with me that God will use this week in both of our lives!I LOVE you dear Friendship family. Thank you for allowing me to come again to this blessed week. Thank you for allowing me to serve as your shepherd under the Chief Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ. Have a great week.

"Brethern, Pray for Me!" 1 Thess. 5:25
For the Master,
Buster Wilson

NOTE: I will blog my daily experiences at this conference at my other site,
Check it out daily and tell others to do the same!!