What A Week in the Christian Calendar!
Passover Begins
Passover officially begins this week at sundown Wednesday night. Passover of course, was the Jewish celebration of when the death angel "passed over" the homes that were covered with the blood of the spotless lamb. This occured during the exodus of the Jews from the land of Egypt under Moses' leadership.
Passover has been celebrated ever since. Christians has given a new meaning, or at least the FULL meaning to Passover in what we call, "the Lord's Supper". Jesus told us that the drink represented His Blood that was shed for the forgiveness of sins. The Bread was His Body, broken for many. The official celebration of Passover this year begins at sunset Wednesday night.
Good Friday
We will have Good Friday worship services at the church starting at 12:10 PM and lasting till 12:45 PM, giving everyone enough time to return to work from your lunch hour. We will have sack lunches provided for anyone who comes. PLEASE COME TO WORSHIP THE LORD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY THAT REPRESENTS THE TIME HE WAS HANGING ON THE CROSS! We will have a quiet and worshipful time together for 30 minutes on Good Friday!
Sunrise and Easter Morning Celebrations
We will have a Sunrise Easter Worship Service at 6 AM Sunday morning. I know that's early, so don't worry about putting on your "Easter Best"; just brush your teeth, brush your hair and come on! (You might want to change out of your pajamas first!) After the sunrise service, we will have a short breakfast for all. Then, we'll come back at 10 and 11 for regular times of Sunday School and Morning Worship (Yeah, wear your new Easter Clothes at 10!)
Come be a part of this once a year celebration of the most powerful weekend that the universe has ever known! I know it's hard to get up early like that and to then come back for another two hours. But think about what Jesus suffered FOR us on that "good Friday" when He hung on the cross for our sins! A little early rising won't kill us! We promise to have high octane coffee on hand!
Special Choir Practice Called
There will be a special choir practice this Thursday night at 7 pm to get ready for Easter morning. The Praise Band is to practice with the choir, but the Praise Band needs to be there at the regular time, 6 pm.
Welcome back Julie! We missed you and Tim this weekend.
Thanks to Dorman for a job well done, filling in for Julie!
Thanks to Paid In Full
Paid In Full came for their yearly concert at FBC this past Sunday night. Man, what a wonderful experience we had! They shared a great night of Gospel music and intertainment, with several decisions made for Christ at the end. Thank you guys for coming to Friendship again. We look forward to next year already!
I love you dear church family! Keep your pastor and the leadership and staff of FBC in your prayers!
Brother Buster