Thursday, March 30, 2006

March 31, 2006

The Church Blog is BACK!

Sorry for the loooonnnngggg delay in updates. That ends TODAY! Here's the latest scoop from the gang at FBC!
Revival Has Come!
Pastor recently went to Chattanooga (check out the earlier blogs about that trip) and heard some of the country's greatest men of God say there that revival is on the way in America! In fact, they were referring to the coming revival as the "3rd. Great Awakening" in this country.
Pastor came home sharing this great news with the congregation. God gave him a word on the last night of the meeting that Friendship would not miss out on this coming revival! Well, that Sunday morning, there were 12 additions to the fellowship, two of young men that had been saved. Almost the entire congregation was at the altar on their knees at the end of both services that day! Then, that Wednesday night, there were 10 Awana Kids that were saved! Pastor shared the next week that we were seeing the "First Fruits" of the coming revival. God is giving us a taste of what's to come! Pray that the baptismal waters keep stirring! Hallelujah, praise the Lord!
Come be a part of the revival that's on the way!
Light Bearers Eat out for March Birthdays
The Light Bearer's ministry group will meet on 5:30 Friday night at the Ecru Fish and Steak House. This is their monthly birthday celebration. They have a good time and grow closer to each other. If you are 50 years old or older, you are an automatic member of the Lightbear's of FBC. Come join us Friday night.
FBC Publications - Tapes and Videos
Pastor has published two new booklets that are designed to help you grow in the faith. First, there's the booklet on the "Infilling of the Holy Spirit, the second most important thing to ever happen to you". Then, the newest booklet is, "Why do I have to get Water Baptized?" These booklets are free and available for you now.
We have recently received a special gift of a small video studio, complete with professional grade camera and digital mixing board. We will begin soon to have available for you a DVD as well as regular CD's of our worship services. Make your requests to get one today!
A night of Music on Palm Sunday!
Come join us for a night of music celebration as FBC hosts nationally known Paid In Full, Sunday night, Palm Sunday, April 9th, at 6 pm. Paid In Full are a homegrown super success story, but they have never forgotten our "friendship" here. They grant us a concert date each year, even as it is getting tougher and tougher to book them locally like this. Thanks to PID and ya'll come on down for a great start of the Easter Week.
Spring Forward an Hour
Don't forget that this Sunday morning at 2 am is when time moves forward an hour due to Daylight Savings. Spring Forward an hour before you go to bed Saturday night, that way you won't be late for church Sunday morning!
Associational Bible Drills
Please pray for Brenda York and her Bible Drillers as they participate in the Associational Bible Drills this Sunday afternoon. The State Bible Drills will be later on in the week in Tupelo.
Men's First Monday Bible Study Group
Calling All Men! Calling All Men! This Monday night is our First Monday Bible study night. We will have a light meal and a cool, fun, inspiring Bible talk together. It starts at 6:30 Monday night and the location will be announced Sunday. If you miss Sunday and need to know, call the church office and the answering machine will tell the time and location again.
Easter: The Second Largest Sunday of the Church Year!
Don't forget that we are entering the Easter season. Good Friday is April 14. We WILL have a community wide Good Friday noon day service at the church. The Time will be 12:10 - 12:45. Easter Sunday will be a special day of activities. We will have a Sunrise service 1t 7 AM with breakfast following; Sunday School at 10 AM, normal services at 11 AM. There will be no night services on Easter Day. Remember the reason for the season. Jesus died, was buried, and rose again. That's the Gospel, that's what we believe and are saved by believing. Trust in the Lord that rose again for YOU
April 29, 30: Special Days At FBC
We are planning two very special days on April 29, and 30th. Stay tuned for more details next week!
I love you and hope to see you Sunday! Don't miss what God is doing at FBC:
Where the Unexpected is Expected and God is up to something all the time!
Brother Buster
Pray for Cyle Ross, Mrs. McCarver's son, Glenn; Sherry Bell's brother, Tim; and all of the church fellowship. If you have any prayer requests or announcements, make a comment here or email at!